Wednesday 22 July 2009

Lord, I love that You...

..Died for me while I was a sinner.
I love that You hold me
whenever I cry.
I love that Your presence is the only thing that soothes me,
whenever life's storms seems
too frightful to bear.
I love how You hold my heart in Your hands, that whenever it's bleeding You're
closer than close.
I can't help to love this ache that I feel,
knowing the fullness You'll bring when it comes.
I love that You guide me
each step of the way,
though often with warning.
Oh, papa, stay with me the rest of my life. That I might abide,
in You at all times.

Friday 8 May 2009

Finally Safe...

Is it not amazing, Lord, that I finally know You?
Finally know what it means to be Saved.
Saved in the three, believeing the fourth,
saved from the penalty, pleasure and power
of sin

And trusting faithfully in the hope to at last be free of it's presence?

Isn't it a wonder, that suddenly I know.
Know what it means to be saved by grace,
through faith.

And finally that I understand, it's a gift from You,
and not at all of myself.

Finally able, Lord, to remove the wrapper and receive You in all Your glory?
Finally Abba, what a relief it must be
to Your Holy heart that I am Yours,
and the Devil is finally powerless
in taking my life back under his control.

My God, My Holy One,
how You must have longed for this day.
How you must cherish it, even more than I do.

My Prince of Peace,
Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God,
How Beautiful You are!

Friday 24 April 2009

My Lord, My Redeemer

As much as You are my redeemer from the penalty of sin, Lord,
You are my redeemer from it's power.
Inasmuch as You are my Lord, God, the Devil is it not.
And just as You call me, gently each day to follow You, do Your Will, to love You,
the Devil cannot call on me.
Such as I am Your Slave, Lord, and my life is Yours,
it is no more the Devils,
no more under the rule of fleshly demands,
no more under the power or calling of sin.
No more, Lord,
for I am Yours,
bought with a price, the price which was Your life.
Sweet Lord, who bought me to set me free:
I want nothing else than to be Your slave.
All the days of my life.

Thursday 9 April 2009

My Everything...

My life is in your hands.
All decitions I have given to you, everything, all that I am.
I do not know where this road will lead me.
To be honest, Abba, I do not even know if I'm walking. Sometimes I think I'm just floating, my youth renewed like the Eagles.
It's certainly not my strenght, Lord, that uphold me.
It's certainly not my heart thinking loving thoughts of others.
It's certainly not my beauty that shines through.
Father, Beloved, it is all You.
I sometimes think I feel your plans,
not with emotions fluctuating as they are, Lord, but like a sense of the Spirit, and I think I know... just for a second part of your plan.
Then I am reminded again, of my childlikeness,
that I think I see, though only in the eyes of a child.
You see it all so much clearer, Papa. And when I guess, You know.
Therefore I lay down all I am, everything I cherish and hold dear, all I want and dream to pursue, and leave it in Your hands. Far better a steward of it are You, Lord, of my life, than I could ever be.
Far bigger plans have You, Lord, which of I could never dream. My mind and heart are not able to form such thoughts, so perfect and loving-kind as Yours.
Your beautiful Plan, Lord, Your precious, lovable Will.
My Beloved one, let Your Will be done.
Never mind my whining and frustration,
never mind my distrust and my fear.
Thy Will be done, Father. You lead my steps, relieve my fears, gain my trust.
I am Yours and I will go through it all if You want me to.