Tuesday 16 September 2008

Scripture Ponderings ; Proverbs 15

I read and pondered chapter 15 of the book of Proverbs in the Bible the other day,
and these are the
thoughts that crossed my mind.
(All Bible Quotes are from The Living Bible)
Pondering about womanhood/femininity/modesty, these verses caught my attention:
Verse 1: A soft answer turns away wreath. Remember that the way I speak matters to God.
Verse 33: Humility and reverence for the Lord will make you both wise and honoured.
Verse 4: Gentle words cause life and health. Remember that speaking is a way to do good.
Verse 8: The Lord (…) loves those who try to be good. A vocation
Verse 6: There is a treasure in being good. A vocation
Verse 13: A happy face means a glad heart. Remember that my facial expression reveals to others how I feel and what God is in my life (it’s allowed to look gloomy, if you’re sad, by all means! I know that some people struggle with an expectation to always be cheerful).
Verse 16: Better a little with reverence for God I shall not strive after posessions but after reverence for the Lord.
Verse 26: The Lord (…) delights in kind words. A vocation
Pondering about what to look for to find (and encourage) Christlike manhood:
Verse 5: A wise son considers each suggestion [of his father’s advice]. Look for the way a young man treats his father’s advices.
Verse 18: A cool tempered man tries to stop [figths]. A peacemaker is in the service of the Lord.
Verse 19: The good man’s path is easy.
Verse 15: When [a man] is cheerful, everything seems right. Cheerfulness is an emotion you can choose, and by it make your days easier, therefore it’s a good thing.
Verse 20: A sensible son gladdens his father. Look for sensibility, but remember sense.
Verse 21 b: The sensible stay on the pathways of right. An indicator of sensibility; is he on the pathways of right?
Verse 14: A wise man is hungry for truth, while the mocker feeds on trash. Is he hungry for the truth?
Verse 13: A happy face means a glad heart. What is a glad heart if not a heart filled with love for God?
Verse 28: A good man thinks before he speaks. Important sign.
Verse 33: Humility and reverence for the Lord will make you both wise and honoured.
Pondering about life:
Verse 2: A wise teacher makes learning a joy, whenever I’m in need of learning something to someone, be it a child, siblings, students or whatever, I try to remember that I am wise to make learning a joy.
Verse 7: Only the good can give good advice, I try not to take advices from people who are not “good” (who doesn’t follow God or base their life upon Him as I strive to do).
Verse 22: Plans go wrong with too few counselors; Many counselors bring success. It’s God’s word, what more can I say?
Verse 27: Dishonest money brings grief to all the family. No matter how tempting it is to not tell that you’ve gotten to much money in change, or in your vage or in any way. Even if someone give them to you, but for the wrong reasons. Resist. It will bring grief to all of your family.
Pondering about my life:
Verse 12: A mocker stays away from wise men because he hates to be scolded. I confess I hate to be scolded, but I know I shouldn’t run away from it when I deserve it. I don’t want to be a mocker in God’s opinion.
Verse 21 a: If a man enjoys folly, something is wrong! When I enjoy movies and magazines and conversations that focus on folly and not on truth (who’s the Truth?) something really is wrong.
Verse 31,32: To reject critisism is to harm yourself and your best interests. Oh yes, I do hate it, but who would want to harm themselves and their best interests?
Verse 14: A wise man is hungry for truth, while the mocker feeds on trash. Feeds on trash; oh yes, I do that often. I feed on movies displaying premarital sex, cheating, lying and sinning against God as beauty, I feed on magazines telling me I can get whatever I want if I just trust myself. Isn’t that trash? I’d say so.

Please mark that all of the verses are not written, the context is missing on many, so for a full understanding; look them up in your Bible. The Scriptures end were the bold writing ends.
And also: These are my personal thoughts and ponderings, please read it wisely.

Your sister in Christ,

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